Foreign Request

How did you find our Web site? For Example; Magazine Ad, Catalog, Postcard Deck, Internet Search Engine (Which one & What keyword was used), Etc.:: If you chose a Magazine Ad or Postcard deck, please give the magazine name and issue or the dept # listed in the address on the ad.::

Imprintor would like to thank you for taking an interest in our products. If you live outside the continental United States, we must add a fee of $3.50 for shipping and handling. To continue, please add a catalog request to your shopping cart and have your credit card ready.

If you cannot pay by credit card, please send a money order in American funds for the amount of $3.50. You may also send a wire transfer which adds an additional $10.00 to your order. Send order to:

Attn: Michelle
345 N. Lewis Ave
Oglesby, IL 61348